Wednesday, August 21, 2019


Focus, something we all struggle within the day to day life may it be for your personal life or professional. Life coaches and YouTube state that 21 days kick the habit, create a habit works. It does work trust me.

To be focused the simplest way is surrounding yourself with humans who can focus, my entire career all I met are humans that over-focused; may it be my personal life or professional. If your environment is surrounded with people who are constantly distracted then it would be rather hard to work to that cycle of 21 days.

Don’t get me wrong even in the wrong environment one can achieve it. When one is human it's hard to create a habit when the environment proves you otherwise because all of us are not made the same, unless you’re plain stubborn.

Think about the first 21 days they say is crucial, along with your will power create the environment that helps you so too.

Have a beautiful day ahead!