Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ease of mind

Why leave room for a PROBLEM???? Purchase travel insurance? Does it provide the covers and claims they say????

Check it out!!!! Now travel insurance covers so many things we never knew:


How would you feel if you loose your baggage ???? You want a cover... Sure thing!!!

How about getting stranded in an airport like; Bangkok? That closed down recently, how would you like to have easy cash on your hand?

What if you have a toss?? Or get sick while visiting your relatives overseas, how if we tell you, you can give your AIG insurance number and get your medical needs taken care of.

How if we insures your home here in Sri Lanka while you fly away on holiday from burglary, that’s peace of mind while you have a time of your life.

Business Travelers; if we tell you, your wallet is insured?

So many deals so many benefits,

Think its expensive no way its too affordable to be true, and the benefits you have on the return on your investments is unbelievable.

Documents needed:
Passport copy
Travel dates
Beneficiary Name
Residential Address

Thank You & Hassle free Flying,

Play tricky

Upgrades tricky

Ever thought about a tricky upgrade ;

Something you never knew, sometimes risks may turn out even for your own good.

If you check in late and if the economy gates are closed you might be lucky enough for an upgrade to business.

This is both tricky and too risky.

You the risk taker, that’s for you to decide.

But have the note of 3 hours on your mind too not only that tempting upgrade.

Why 3 hours before?

Why 3 hours before?

You see the advice on arriving 3 hours before to the check in counters of the airport ever wonder why? But always we seem to get caught up and arrive late to counters.

The hassle and risk would be not only on the airline staff but on the passenger as well.

Over booking is a method the airline does to make sure they fly full house and they do not run the flight with a seat vacant on a loss. In this procedure the airline usually over books about 10 -15 passengers because an aircraft carrying about 300 there is a probability a few never showing up before departure; the airline takes the risk and over books so that there flying is on 100% capacity.

Ok done with explanation, now the relevance of over booking to check in early because you might be that 1 of the 300 who arrive late and fall into the over booked list: ratio of this happing is very low, but why take the risk?

This is why it is advised to arrive early to check in so you may fly with an ease of mind.


If you fall into the overbooked list it is your right as a passenger to demand from the airline to board on the first flight available to your destination!

Happy flying