Monday, February 20, 2012

Maldives Political crisis: Tourism Industry greatly affected as Tourists book for Peaceful Mauritius

The Maldives Archipelago is in crisis, this small island of a population of 500,000 inhabitants will now see its tourism industry seriously affected by the ongoing political crisis. Maldives usually welcomes about 1 million tourists yearly who come to enjoy the nice beaches and excellent climate. This archipelago located in the Indian Ocean is also one of the favorite destinations for international celebrities. The travel operators all over the world are monitoring the situation in Maldives closely.

Maldives tourism faces $100 Million loss because of political crisis and riots
The Maldives unrest is in all media worldwide, the tourism industry is greatly affected. Resorts have noted more than 500 booking cancellations because of the political instability in the country. Although the Tourism Ministry has released a statement that the political unrest in the country is now under country and the political gatherings are done only at night, this will not be enough to convince foreigners to come to the archipelago.
Tourists who had booked for Maldives hotels and are now reluctant to go the unstable country are most welcome to come to Mauritius. Mauritius is an island where there is no political instability and tourists can walk during the day as well as night without any fear. Accommodations on the island is typified by luxury beach hotels and there are even private islands. Mauritius also has a lot of great attractions and shopping malls.
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