Monday, December 10, 2018

Sales People & the Accounts they handle – a Management Read

Sales people are alluring at their speeches, charismatic with their ways and maintain great PR with their accounts.

One thing companies sometimes worry is the Sales Person who performs the most, is the most likely to take the market share away with them.

Sales people are great PR and maintenance of these friendships often causes the companies great revenue. They introduce not only new revenue schemes with referrals business or signing up new partners but keep the existing very happy and well taken care of.

Something weird happens to this sales person when handling an account over the years, this reason might lead to the business bleeding money.

Sales people often after years of handling an account, start sympathizing with the customer without their knowledge.

You can start to notice this, by them talking to accounts justifying when invoice payments are delayed. They start explaining how the other company is stuck on cash flow or how the signing party is not around. They sadly do this in good faith, but from a business point of view now your employee is the employee of your customer not yours no more. He advocates on behalf of your customers and negotiates payment conditions on behalf of your clients.

There is simple mechanism to make sure, the sales force gets more exposure and you don’t lose money along the way too due to all the good reasons just turning sour.

Change the person handling an account every 18 months, they have the correct time to meet your client’s expectation and not become the client’s advocate with you. This gives all your sales force and 360 of all accounts handled, them handling a non-familiar person is great challenge for them once every one and half years. This way they are challenged and can keep feeding their adrenaline rush of closing, you don’t lose clients to bad debts or anything else.

Shall we experiment?


