Monday, December 10, 2018

Sales People & the Accounts they handle – a Management Read

Sales people are alluring at their speeches, charismatic with their ways and maintain great PR with their accounts.

One thing companies sometimes worry is the Sales Person who performs the most, is the most likely to take the market share away with them.

Sales people are great PR and maintenance of these friendships often causes the companies great revenue. They introduce not only new revenue schemes with referrals business or signing up new partners but keep the existing very happy and well taken care of.

Something weird happens to this sales person when handling an account over the years, this reason might lead to the business bleeding money.

Sales people often after years of handling an account, start sympathizing with the customer without their knowledge.

You can start to notice this, by them talking to accounts justifying when invoice payments are delayed. They start explaining how the other company is stuck on cash flow or how the signing party is not around. They sadly do this in good faith, but from a business point of view now your employee is the employee of your customer not yours no more. He advocates on behalf of your customers and negotiates payment conditions on behalf of your clients.

There is simple mechanism to make sure, the sales force gets more exposure and you don’t lose money along the way too due to all the good reasons just turning sour.

Change the person handling an account every 18 months, they have the correct time to meet your client’s expectation and not become the client’s advocate with you. This gives all your sales force and 360 of all accounts handled, them handling a non-familiar person is great challenge for them once every one and half years. This way they are challenged and can keep feeding their adrenaline rush of closing, you don’t lose clients to bad debts or anything else.

Shall we experiment?




Friday, November 30, 2018

Always Inquire, Nothing Confirmed – Why Continue? Business to Business Model

I have in the 10 years of my professional career met so many instances where inquiries are sent, no confirmations were given. I have lost so many to competitors where I know I have quoted, but still given to other vendors. Information is taken, advice is taken, and even pricing is ok but I never win that booking.

I have never given up! I has always replied to every email fast, given the same attention to detail, always picked up my phone to give advice even though it seemed like a waste of time from a business perspective.

This nature of not giving up but keeping at it, in the long run gives your vendor the acknowledgment business coming or not you have had their back, give them sound advice on the product and also served them.

You need one day for this vendor to give that chance and they are all yours, because you have given a different form of dedication that is not the usual from other business partners.

This has shown them over the years you are an authority on what you sell and what you talk. That confidence is what breaks ground. This confidence is what even a B2B vendor starts giving your referrals.

You are an email or a call away from your next business partner or invoice.




Saturday, November 3, 2018

The One Magic Trick that All Hoteliers can create

The hospitality industry is ever growing, and the world keeps adding more.

There is only one simple trick any hotel, motel, resort, villa or inn can do to make any guest stay memorable.

I understand we try to set ourselves apart from, the amenities, the bathtubs, the free Wi-Fi, the Pools, and the list just keeps getting longer.

Do you know all of these fancy things one might have in a room or put into a room might not be used by all guests or even most guests?

The trick is simple, make the “BREAKFAST EXPERIENCE MAGICAL”. Not all guests use the pool, not all guests use the unlimited Wi-Fi, not all guests might use the amazing fine dining restaurants, and not all guests might use the glass bottom tub.

Almost ALL GUESTS eat Breakfast.

The dinner and lunch are important nonetheless but Breakfast is how you can set your property apart.
May it be one night stay, or two weeks stay. Breakfast is the common thing everyone will have.

Trust me as a fellow traveler, and someone from the travel industry; you don’t make a signature in a guests mind with the breakfast you leave no considerable footprint in any sort of referrals. The destination might get a referrals but sadly not your property.

Take time think I call this the “Breakfast Experience”


Hoping to see you again soon



Friday, October 5, 2018

Growing your Market – Travel Agents, Tour Operators & Destination Management Companies.

Simple steps to grow your market achieve your goals.

  • Key Holidays – find the key holidays relevant for your market, which is more for couples and which holidays more families travel. Helps you forecast the arrivals better beforehand.
  • What options, tours or itineraries do they offer? Finding what they offer, what options they provide. Allows you to do a framework of the costing they are going to offer. So you have an idea or can provide an alternative which is better.
  • How many days / months ahead do they book? Always know this forecasting an important. Getting ready before hand or just sending promotions right before the planning to travel period. Some inquiries before and book last minute these travel patterns should be always identified.
  • Who are you losing to? This is always VERY important. You might lose the race but always be aware who you lost to. What options they offer is helpful to overcome this, to see what they offered that I did not think of and how they arrived at that cost.
  • Key events for the market. This is influence creating, branding creating, and knowledge gathering opportunities.

Happy Selling & Cheers!



Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Maldives - The Novice Selling Guide

  • Weather & Climate
  • What should I pack? What should I not?
  • Visa & The Airport; What happens?
  • Common Transport Modes in the Maldives
  • What happens when harsh weather conditions occur or you arrive later than the transfer operational hours?
  • The Island and Villas - Maldives
  • Quick things to know when Selling the Maldives




Saturday, September 1, 2018

Maldives Resort Concept Idea

Random Idea that came to my mind. Thought of sharing with you, would love to see such a concept too in the Maldives.

Sometime there are time constraints due to operational hours of transfers to resorts.

If one luxury resort which is built further away, has a luxury yacht transfer (hear me out without thinking ye it already exists). 

First night would be on a luxury yacht from the airport to the resort, next few nights at the resort, last night back in the luxury yacht to the airport.

Random Idea Share guys!




Sunday, August 26, 2018

Losing Business

People leaving the place of employment sometimes considered by employers as a threat. They have the worry what if they take the business along with them.

Almost all employers have a common NDA, where business cannot be touched for a period of time.

Employer should never be scared on losing business as it can be taken away with your employee. If this fear does exist that business was not yours to begin with.

Have an employer never be scared the business might be stolen, as an employee never give excuses of competition.

Both of them should have the courage to know lose one client I shall gain to more. Clients now a days do not stay with a company they look forward to the human interaction, the relationship built over time and ease of communication.

As an employee or employer build yourself, your brand and most importantly your confidence. Business you shall have today might lose it tomorrow to your employee or your competition use it to funnel and channel to gaining more client more business. Do not use that fear to micromanage, to suspect, to crawl in and back down but to come back swinging.

Business like money, happiness or anything else in life has its ups and downs, today it is with you tomorrow it might be with your competition.

Learn and grow, never channel that fear to be a leader who micromanages your business, or an employee who says we cannot do this because of this competitor.



Monday, August 13, 2018

Hiring Process

The world is now on a recruiting and head hunting spree.

We are recruiting on a daily basis. Jobs are getting competitive, the needs, wants, the career hunger is growing.

Sadly along with that the rate at which we let go recruits too has increased.

Along the years I have found a way that works for me.

The basic process of hiring is we read through a CV, see if it tallies with what we are looking for and call them for an interview.

The first interview is a human touch. We are about the career path, previous employee and basically a run-down of the CV. Sadly most recruiters are impressed by the former company they worked at or job title they held, this does not weirdly work.

We hire is months we realize they might not be the best fit, or they under-perform from the given expectations so we let them go.

Back to step number one, during your discussion if you feel it’s not the best fit usually it may be right. If the discussion goes great. Please do not tell them you shall internally discuss and let them know.

At that given point if your answer is yes, tell them to return in 5 working days for a second interview.

This second interview is your key to if you are hiring them. You should tell them to come prepared for either:

1.      How they’re going to solve a current ongoing problem for which they are been hired for


2.      How they’re going to improve in the given job position what changes and additions they can bring.

By this you shall know definitely if the recruit is eligible.

Do not hire because the CV sounds great.

Recruits letting go of you does not mean you are bad at what you do, just means you did not fit there. You can always find a place you fit in and grow.



Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Employer Employee Mindsets

Employer Employee Mindsets
Employer believes that employees should come on time.
Employees believe they should be given space , and not policed for not coming on time. But they have the priority to leave sharp on time.
Employer believes hard work means over time.
Hard work is getting the job done, not hours spent at the work place.
Employer believes fun is not for the office.
Employees are not schooling, hence they should be granted the adult freedom to laugh talk. But be responsible just like an adult to get the job done on time.
Employer believes leave is an entitlement.
Employees too have a private life and commitments, leave is to be used and not abused by anyone.
Employer believes work means seven days a week and they should be on call.
Employees too have other commitments, but should hold the responsibility of the job which is a part of who they are too.
Employer does benefits on the capacity they can afford to.
Employee believes whatever the benefits they see in the outside world should be given by the employer, never putting into context size and growth of the company.
Employer believes they can punish like school if they see the employee is a liability.
Employee rants like a trade union, and sometimes do not think if they have done the tasks needs of them. Are they a return on investment or a liability?
Employer believes that the employee life revolves around work.
Employee believes them working for the employer is the employers privilege.
Employer hires employees for a task and micromanages it.
Employee believes they know better than the employer who set the mission for their company.
Employer believes the training and exposure given is a privilege not a future investment on behalf of the company.
Employee believes they can demand after the employer gives them exposure for growth.
Employers police employees for under performance and tardiness.
Employees believe they should be never be warned even if they know they have underachieved or not meet any given targets.
Employers believes work is strict like school.
Employees believe tardiness is part of their process, but the only proof they have to back it up is tardiness and under performance

Employers are there to inspire guide be a mentor not only professionally but personally. Employers are to lead.
Employees are to be gather knowledge, serve your company as your own. Represent it, grow it and be loyal to its cause.
One cannot survive without the other, so don’t create a division within ones family.


Sunday, August 5, 2018

Industry Babies vs Entrepreneur Babies

In the past years I have spoken, and had intense discussions with so many industry professionals from various trades and professions. On reaching 10 years of work. I have understood a major difference.

Lot of industry professionals who work for large cooperations carry a lot of experience and are very willing to share such experiences. They are groomed they have huge amounts of exposure, and left to do just their job. They immerse themselves in the Job Title they hold and grow aggressively or steadily according to their own pace and time.

Then I have met the current day entrepreneurs and listened to a lot of their challenges too. I have seen the fascinations they have when industry professionals talk and share knowledge.

Recently I started challenging the industry professionals if they carry such experience they are willing to gamble that experience see if they can invest time and money on those entrepreneurs. If they are confident with who they are what are even those who are nothing can be made to something. None of them took the risk.

I personally have experience in working for giants in my industry. To date I see it as a blessing all I learnt, all the knowledge I owned over the years, and surviving so many deep ends. This is because someone else paid the bills, someone out there never made me worry how a vendor is paid, someone just made me the best at my job, never made me worry about the cash flow issues, never made me think how are all the employees paid, do we have enough resources for the teams.

Yes you people who are managers and higher management are telling yes I do think. As a giant is already a full grown adult with cogs already in play. You are not worrying about cash flow, can we just pour money on research to better push a product or gamble on this new risk we are thinking about.

This is all the comforts of working for giants, yes they build great industry leaders. I have rarely met such professionals with the balls to push on their own or willing to challenge themselves to see if I am no longer with a giant can I cut it? Does my skills I own help me if I was working or starting out on something small?

So there are pros and cons on both ends, one learns the bigger picture by learn the problems of everything; paying your taxes, how do I pay with cash flow issues, I have invoiced so much collected so little how do I take an overdraft to pay my employees? Which rate of exchange rate would be beneficial? The other learns the discipline, learns to handle a crowd, gets exposure gets a hold on what is PR, learns to train their members, take the perks on pitching crazy risk ideas and someone take the risk on behalf on them and fund it.

Learn to evolve and learn from one another, try the spectrums see how you can learn from both. Never get caught up in the hype of what you think how green the grass is on the other side.



Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Snippet Maldives – Sun Aqua Vilu Reef

05 star resort, I would tell you please take the seaplane transfer. Seaplane lands in the ocean, a Dhoni (Maldives traditional boat) take you to the resort. From your Water Villas it is great place to go snorkeling. The Presidential Suite is over water. Sun Aqua Vilu Reef’s secret there is no place ever better to watch the STARS.


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Social in Social Media

Everyone’s next big thing is making is big in Social Media Industry, in the amazing of ways marketing has a new baby name is Social Media. Everyone wants to be a guru, wants to be a part of it, allocate a budget for it, and build cool analytical algorithms for it.

To me social media marketing is an intriguing read and follow; how much it is now wrapped in he vast giant called marketing. Social Media now a days relies largely on bug data analysis breaking a human behavioral pattern to numbers.

I always think in the back of my head, how social is this approach? How well does one know their consumers or their needs, wants and desires? To be this Social Media Guru or Whisperer one must own one main quality “Social”. If one does not purchase anything, does not know to enjoy a meal, go shopping for themselves, buy a gift for a loved one, and know wow that’s a new place that opened up, or provide any form of recommendation of a personal experience to a friend. How much good can all the analytics in the world do you? You are missing the key ingredient Social, been an average Joe with needs, wants and desires and working or get what you say “I simply love it”.

Something I think about, how about you?



Saturday, April 28, 2018

By the People, For the People Mobile App ; Mankiwaa

People are taking charge. With the initiation of a ground breaking app, Mankiwwa has entered Sri Lanka.
Mankiwwa is a mobile app which is made with sole purpose for us the public to report day to day incidents to your local authorities.

This helps you reports day to day incidents like garbage or leaks of the road, emergencies on the road due to an accident or the collapse or a tree, the is taking steps into disaster management and even more serious issues like missing persons.

The app is truly simple basically take a picture of video under the specific incident, e.g.: robbery, broken road, landslide, or an unrecognized parcel and submit. It picks up you location (where location has to be on, on your smart mobile) and app informs the relevant authority.

Due to the sensitivity of the reports submitted the user shall always remain anonymous. The dashboard shall alert you on incidents that require announcements but no images or videos shall be ever displayed.

This is empowering us the public to take charge of our immediate surroundings. ManKiwwa is on the go on approaching government bodies, and other official authorities to make way to this by people for the people mobile app island wide.


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Snippet Maldives – Canareef Resort Maldives

This is four star resort, large large island. One of the few resort in Gan Island. Reachable directly too by Sri Lankan Airlines to Gan Airport. Resorts nearby Shangri-La’s Vilingili.
The Island is large enough for two main restaurants for economical travelers highly recommended.



Thursday, April 19, 2018

Snippet Maldives – Constance Halaveli

05 star, luxury end. Usual resort Water Villas is the expensive category. Halaveli Water Villa is the starting category. I would say one of the most peaceful resorts silent peaceful resorts. Villas on the beach have privacy as some villas have pools in the garden so 100% privacy. Uniqueness of the Presidential Suite, is when the suite is occupied that beach stretch in front of the villa is totally private. This is not usual for Maldives, beach stretch in resorts are common grounds for all guests.



Sunday, April 1, 2018

We are the Travel Industry

Dawning on almost my 10 year of been in this amazing industry.

What the world sees the travel trade is glamorous parties, the cocktail events, the free tickets, the complimentary hotel stays, and free cruise rides.

It is always grass is greener on the either side situation I assume. Travel trade just like every other trade is a lot of hard work.

When most of you have public holidays we work because the rest of the world does not share common holidays. When a client missed a flight and is stranded at the airport at 2am you’re awake through the night sorting out someone else’s dream vacation. When your client sends an inquiry at 9pm, you are off for the day but by his/her time it is lunch time you attend. Our beautiful trade is a 24 x 7 job.

We are a set of ladies and gentlemen set out with one goal to make another’s dream vacation come true.

Most think travel trade is not busy, very mind dumbing trade. Sorry to say I have grown and been mentored by amazing business men and women with the smartest of minds.

We are people’s trade, we all need to be people friendly. We do not have a clock out time.
Yes at the parties we celebrate “our trade”, cocktails events we network, free tickets we say good well-done job to ourselves, free hotel and cruise stays either we are joining you to ensure your vacation is A ok or we are learning the product we are selling to serve you better.

Now I shall mention a sad fact that needs change, I joined the trade as a kid of 19 to travel the world. Joining and maturing in the trade I realized not in the travel trade have the luck of traveling, for most it is just a job. We need to make more time and space for ourselves, we are busy planning the perfect holiday for other “We should make one for ourselves”

I write this in salute to a trade I dearly love. The bread and butter to my life. To a trade that gave me amazing mentors. To a trade that gave me a focus and a discipline.




Sunday, March 18, 2018

Unrest Situations; Effects on Tourism

I have been in two countries during unrest political situations, I have seen the downside when it comes to industry I am in.

When it comes to tourism they get a huge hit. Media is amazing in blowing news out of proportion. When there is no real unrest or situations they discourage tourists showing an image of extreme in countries.

Due to media having this approach, countries issue travel bans. Tourists’ cancel booking with immediate effect due to worry of personal safety.

As a travel trade individual this is time that hoteliers and DMCs should show their power. In house guests of properties can be asked to give testimonials as to how they are safe and enjoying the respective country.

It is high time we didn’t wait on the cancelations, wait of letters from tourism authorities but as a trade family take the steps to ensure safety of our guest and protect our business.

Like Ritz Carlton states, "We are Ladies and Gentlemen serving Ladies and Gentlemen."




Monday, February 12, 2018

Everyone wants to be an Entrepreneur!

The current day trend is that everyone wants to be an entrepreneur. Everyone wants to be the next Elon Musk or Steve Jobs.

I like the fortitude and the sheer determination one entails to be. I am currently not one “An Entrepreneur”. I have been a witness to many Entrepreneurs during the past couple of years and all and young blood entering this challenging game. They are full of ideas, full of enthusiasm, and filled with ideologies. What they lack maybe a singular focus, and they lack the discipline any dream, or a simple job entails.

I do not know the pressures of been an entrepreneur, nor the burdens that will follow. This is advice from a man who has worked almost 10 years of his life. You want to be an entrepreneur, try working an as employee in the relevant field you want to start.

Why do so? Your ideologies might be great, so can be your ideas, but when it comes to day to day work, meeting deadlines, seen the messy nature of handling a team, noticing how smaller the team there is always politics,  seen the struggles or fellow employees, or simply how cash flow gets stuck even though you invoiced a million dollars.

Before you become an Entrepreneur, take two years of your time to be a great outstanding employee. Learn the trade, the screw ups, the messy situations, how to balance your customers. This one sacrifice you shall do for two years would help you leagues apart even though this idea might sound moot or dumb to you at this point.

Cheers to chasing your dreams!



Friday, January 5, 2018

Shall we try and stereotype some market behaviors to the Maldives?

I am going to stereotype some market behaviors to the Maldives.

Chinese market, main travel period are Chinese New Year which may differ from January or February according to their annual calendar, second is the National Day week in October each year. Their stay is usually a 04 Night period with the combination of 02N Beach + 02N Water. Which resorts they visit is majorly influenced by agent market trends.

Russia & CIS market, this market has two exclusive holidays the Orthodox Christmas first week of January and the May day holiday. They are long stay pax 7 / 14 / 21 nights, huge fans of beach accommodation. They are favorites for the FNB departments of resorts.

Middle East market is a growing market to the Maldives. They are very specific on privacy, please find a villa with vegetation or a wall covering the villa, this would a very important point. Pools are an additional benefit, as always ensure the passengers have privacy not open pools so the neighbors. Meal plans vary from BB to maximum HB on a trend. They are rather new visitors to Maldives hence always educate them about Maldives so they have a clearer picture. They are not long stay pax 3 to 4 nights stay. Travel increase during Eid Al Adha and Eid Ul Fitr. Very last minute travelers.

Indian market is surprisingly a very old market to the Maldives. They always will find value for money, they are very savvy about the destination in terms of how the destination works and does extensive research on offers available in the market. They are sensitive to their meal plans make sure always that is a strict rule to follow, when a guest specifies they require Jain or vegetarian meal plans. They are 3 to 4 night travelers, their travel does increase Jan – Mar each year due to wedding season and very fond of excursions and candle lit dinners.

Australian market this a new baby, a booming baby. Average stay is around 05 nights, this is the market dominating the Surf market in the Maldives. Maldivian surf season runs throughout the various atolls from mid-February to November, some known resorts for this sport, Holiday Inn Kandooma, Maalifushi by COMO, Six Senses Laamu, Four Seasons Kuda Huraa and Cinnamon Dhonveli. Their booking period is mostly prior advanced and well planned.

Last but not least the oldest market segment to the Maldives, the pioneers European market (Europe and UK markets). They are too long stay passengers, madly in love with the beaches the Maldives has to offers, the clear water they have to offer. They book in advance as well, they mostly loves beach room categories, and they spend way less times snuggled in their rooms but out and about on the beach or in the ocean. This market has always been closer to heart of Maldives since tourism started in country through all the ups and downs this market segment has faced over the years.

Hope this was educational


