Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Sancharaka Udawa 2019, and what more we can do – Destination Marketing

Well, it was a new learning curve this specific event.

This tourism fair in Sri Lanka was an alert to the world that Sri Lanka is back, up and running. The event was great for me meeting of business partners and discussing the next steps and how I could help them.

Inbound operators, Hoteliers and excursion holders showcased themselves and the products they specialize in. Productivity wise it was a great event.

Things to improve next time as I see, which would be more beneficial to inbound operators and hoteliers:

  • Small and Medium business owners should be given a discount to showcase their products.
  • There should be new boutique hotels, and even hostels showcased.
  • New excursions, new ideas for incentives, MICE and event show be shown.
  • Railway Department a key factor as to why tourism in Sri Lanka exists should showcase. Why go to Ella other than the trains. Operators would gain more knowledge and a better understanding.
  • Marketing was very dull for this event, most agents and hotels were unaware of the event.
  • Tourist Board should have sent a circular to everyone registered with them to participate.
  • Sri Lankan embassies in other countries should have been informed by tourist board so International agents too can participate.
  • Roads should have been lit up and jazzed up a week prior setting the mood for the event.
  • More social media awareness should have been created.
  • A celebrity should have been named the Ambassador for Tourism and showcased with International Media.
  • During the events, Sri Lankan cultural entertainment should have been presented much more.

Last but not least, operators and hoteliers do not be discouraged. The markets which perform as a majority book 06 - 08 months prior hence arrival basis June, July shall be slow but bookings shall flow in confirmations will come through. Utilize last-minute traveler markets, like Asia to bring in for the coming months.

The bookings that were canceled reach out to all your partners, and encourage them to rebook them with you.

We have to support ourselves, do more marketing to the world, more out of the box ideas to push any destination we sell.

These are my thoughts. Did you participate? What do you think?


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