Monday, May 25, 2020

WFH meeting problems, and their solutions.

I have been talking to others in different trades, how things are going with work and life?
Some have told that meetings held have become stressful, dramatic, and at times annoying.

Let us try some ideas on how we can improve them?

When Team leaders are presenting during the meeting as Managing Director or CEO  do not let others unnecessarily intervene.
Each person will get their turn to talk. Team leaders do not talk down or intervene in another Team Leader's presented ideas.
If presenting an opposing idea for another Team Leader's department ensure to back it up with proof.

Each meeting will have points to be discussed or presented, stick to them strictly. If further points need to be discussed, schedule it for the next meeting. This is to give time for all team members to come prepared.
Do not drag the meetings as an unnecessary debate or discussion.

Lastly to every problem you bring to the table, come along with two or three solutions. Are these solutions supposed to be perfect? No, they just have to be solutions where the team can assist you, or help you with a different approach. The problems and stated solutions can be brainstormed as a team, not told why it cannot be done.

I hope this helped you or sparked your mind.



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