Thursday, August 26, 2021

Has COVID truly changed how we view our world and what we do in it?


So these are few interesting stories I am going to tell you about how my immediate society has changed:

One night we receive a picture on our family WhatsApp group of our grandma watching something. 

Grandma was attending a zoom meeting organized by Sanasa bank which made all of us think about how COVID had changed even her immediate patterns and culture of living.

Life continued and when it was time for the second dose of the vaccine in the area where she lives, she was telling my aunt and uncle how did you not know they were conducting it the Gramasevaka has a Whatsapp group where they update this information why are you not a part of it? This was a random conversation that occurred over lunch, where she had obtained vital information about her society.

Last but not least Grandma is a teacher by profession and member who is still very active in her society a person people go for guidance and advice.

Her thirst for learning has never ended. Now she has a new form of learning recently when electricity shortage happened, I was around and told her "ah crap electricity is gone" to which she replied "I have my phone and youtube, I can watch and learn on this" " I have agriculture, Buddhism, cooking, and stitching which I can learn all day via this"

She is from a generation where a PC was a miracle, now she uses WhatsApp to be updated, Zoom to attend meetings, and Youtube to learn.

This is the last story I promise and this one is rather cute Buddhika Aiya's son has always been loved by us, and he is a joy in our lives; he is three years old but a very intuitive child. 

It was his birthday he was chilling, eating cake, and playing around. Dad asked him what do you want to be when you grow up now that you are older, just like any child he gave the top-of-the-head answer " I want to be a Policeman" to which dad asked, "Then what are you doing to do?"

Our wall has pictures of the family, he looked, pointed, and said "I am going to arrest everyone without masks"

It is his new normal from his understanding age and what he has seen in this world, people wear masks it is illegal not to wear it he was doing a lawful thing arresting them.

These stories are from people with different ages of life and culture and how they view this world and do things changed with COVID, can you imagine the impact created by the pandemic of each of our lives.

Think about work from home, balancing the dynamic of having kids at home, being on calls with meetings, and attending to house chores altogether.

What life has become since this pandemic, if you take lightly the impact on life think again. COVID has changed us humans on how we think, behave, learn, tolerate or even dress.

This change we are going through is real and a shift in human history on how we view our world.



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