Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Sri Lanka Tourism currently

Sri Lanka is getting back on his feet and with a great kickback. Sri Lanka finished handling 25,000 tourists in a small populated area without a hitch. Sri Lanka tourism trade a big pat on your back for pulling this off, if you didn’t make money during this event please rethink your strategy.

 Currently, all the talk by the entire trade is we do not have anything for the next couple of months seems bleak till next year February.

Now I am going to say some things that might make you think, or might just angry you.

Let’s talk stats after India, all other countries that perform for Sri Lanka tourism are the European countries.

The booking pattern of European countries is usually 06 months to 01 year prior. Now talking in consideration factor of time, yes most likely arrival base shall be between December to February when the stats pick up.

Remember till then the booking cycle will continue they shall book, pay deposits, and make payment.

Sri Lanka as a trade pays special attention to the European markets which are key performers for the country, which is totally justifiable.

Now let’s talk about the upcoming months, what do we do? Asian markets and Middle Eastern markets they book and travel last minute. This is the time we develop these markets to extend products tailored to them. Time we invest in other markets that close the gap bridge the deficit we have in the stats.

Time we break the pattern, think more of the business end. There are more markets we are not tapping and giving the attention much needed.

Hope this made you think.



Entering a New Market

Observing over many years how the trade explores and neglects markets is a very interesting phenomenon.

Most enter the market because:

  • The tourism ministry says so
  • Because they get to travel
  • Impressed by another word of mouth – Wow that market you know
  • Because everyone else is in the market
  • The event is too big like ATM, WTM or ITB

How can one enter the market?

  • Stay nights
  • What meal plans they need
  • Do they have special requirements always: Twin beds, Jain food or Kosher meals
  • Has the market penetration become too much, the one market is taking 10 quotes for one requisition and you do business for USD 1 this too without the volume.
  • Does the market have more vendors in their own country selling this product where it is more easily accessible to them?
  • Is the banking system of the country is less complicated.
  • What is the margin that is possible?
  • Do we need to teach and nurture the product?
  • Do you get be concrete of the product?
  • Educate the market highly on your product provide them the tools to sell, most people do not sell your product because they do not have the confidence to.
  • Is your team equipped for the market? If no now we educate the team to handle the market.

Please never explore a market without research, not because it sounds fancy, not because everyone is doing it and so should I, and not because someone else just told. Research, Plan and then execute.

If you are doing it mainly for the PR, we too are doing it make sure you do that right too.

Next time when entering a market don’t make it feel like impulsive shopping, but a researched product.

I might be wrong, you might strongly disagree but I am glad I made you think.



Sunday, September 8, 2019

B2B meetings at trade fairs

Every travel company is about attending IFTM, ATM, ITB, and WTM. Why does one participate in such events? To obviously increase your current business and meet your existing partners. This a networking platform for the travel trade.

What do we usually talk about to new prospective agents that we are planning working with:

  • What size of business we are?
  • How are mark up is lesser than the competition
  • We have added new itineraries.
  • We have new products.
  • We have a multicultural team.
  • We are pioneers in the trade.
  • We work with big agents such as.

These are necessary to a point, but don’t we all say this we are the best among our competition, we are THE company to work with.

Think of this as a blind date, would you rather overly speak about you on your date? Or ask questions, get to know the person. No one on a date like to hear how great you are, they like the getting to know phase.
Next time ask the agent/client:

  • What are the challenges they face when selling your destination/ product?
  • What is the problem their current or previous partner is not solving for them?
  • What are the major expectations they have if they are signing on with you?
  • What are the issues they are facing with their competition when selling your destination/ product?

The only reason the client will ever consider you is if your goals align with theirs, not how big your company.

Try this approach let me know, how your response would be.

Bye for now.