Sunday, August 26, 2018

Losing Business

People leaving the place of employment sometimes considered by employers as a threat. They have the worry what if they take the business along with them.

Almost all employers have a common NDA, where business cannot be touched for a period of time.

Employer should never be scared on losing business as it can be taken away with your employee. If this fear does exist that business was not yours to begin with.

Have an employer never be scared the business might be stolen, as an employee never give excuses of competition.

Both of them should have the courage to know lose one client I shall gain to more. Clients now a days do not stay with a company they look forward to the human interaction, the relationship built over time and ease of communication.

As an employee or employer build yourself, your brand and most importantly your confidence. Business you shall have today might lose it tomorrow to your employee or your competition use it to funnel and channel to gaining more client more business. Do not use that fear to micromanage, to suspect, to crawl in and back down but to come back swinging.

Business like money, happiness or anything else in life has its ups and downs, today it is with you tomorrow it might be with your competition.

Learn and grow, never channel that fear to be a leader who micromanages your business, or an employee who says we cannot do this because of this competitor.
